In the fast-paced world of commercial supply, you need a company with excellent service that pays attention to detail. Otect International is here to answer your questions and meet your needs where the supplier and distribution of electrical material and saety equipment are concerned..
Our safety equipments range from industry specific personal protective equipment to building and construction safety wear. Otect International has provided multitudes of businesses – both large and small – with workwear and PPE specifically tailored to their needs.
We pride ourselves on the ability to provide an extensive range of industry compliant PPE coupled with excellent support service. This includes specialist safety solutions for head protection, eye protection, ear protection, hand protection and chemical protection. Similarly, we supply a range of other products and services, including height safety and spill control, air-fed suits and respirators.
We can customise your work wear with embroidered or heat seal branding and logos. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on our website, please let us know! We help customers to source all kinds of PPE and specialist safety equipment on a daily basis.
We are consistently reliable, extremely flexible, can adapt to our customers’ unique requirements and provide innovative solutions. As a result, you will receive your PPE quickly and efficiently with Otect International.
Otect International , specialize in the distribution of an extensive range of Overhead Line Equipment used to erect, construct and maintain LV-HV power lines. We can source all your Overhead Line Equipment – we provide excellent customer service and competitive prices.
Our customers are contractors, wholesalers and end-users involved in cable installations, cable jointing, substation, overhead line and electrical construction at LV, MV & HV.
We supply utilities, power, renewable energy, construction, rail, mining and quarrying, offshore, oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
We can consolidate your supply chain for LV MV HV Cable, Electrical & Power Products by providing single-source logistics to any destination – contact us to discuss your requirements.
We service suppliers and contractors involved in the installation and maintenance of Overhead Transmission and Distribution power lines with electrification equipment including: Voltage Detectors, Insulating Sticks, Short Circuiting & Earthing equipment, Phase Comparators, Insulated Tools, Cutting & Crimping Tools, Cable Joints, Cable Terminations, Sealing Ends, Surge Arresters, MV line accessories, transformers, rigid Insulators, Cap & Pin Disc Insulators, cutout fuses, arial switches, MV and BT boards, cupper and aluminon cables, poles, chain elements, joints, terminations and connectors and arc flash clothing to protect linesmen and jointers against the risks and hazards associated with arc incident.
Overhead Line Equipment – Suppliers of Medium & High Voltage Electrical Equipment